Policies and Procedures

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This page will contain documents related to the units policies and procedures.

A procedure is the counterpart to a policy; it is the instruction on how a policy is followed. It is the step-by-step instruction for how, when, and where the policies outlined above will be achieved. A policy defines a rule, and the procedure defines who is expected to do it and how they are expected to do it.


1. General Conduct and Discipline

1.1 – Fraudulent Enlistment
Any member found to have provided false information during the enlistment process is guilty of fraudulent enlistment. Corroborated evidence of fraudulent enlistment will result in immediate discharge from the unit.

1.2 – Unauthorized Absence
Members who fail to report for scheduled training without prior notice, or who are found to be engaging in unapproved activities during an absence, are guilty of Unauthorized Absence. Such actions may result in disciplinary measures imposed by the Unit Command Staff.

1.3 – Disrespect Towards Leadership
Members displaying disrespect towards any leadership position, including Non-Commissioned Officers, Warrant Officers, or Officers, will face disciplinary action by the Unit Command Staff.

1.4 – Assaulting or Willfully Disobeying Orders
Members who assault a leadership-billeted Non-Commissioned Officer, Warrant Officer, or Officer, either in-game or otherwise, or willfully disobey lawful orders, will be subject to disciplinary action by the Unit Command Staff.

1.5 – Insubordinate Conduct Towards Leadership
Members exhibiting insubordinate behavior, either in action or speech, towards a leadership-billeted Non-Commissioned Officer, Warrant Officer, or Officer will be disciplined by the Unit Command Staff.

1.6 – Failure to Obey Orders or Regulations
Members who fail to comply with official written orders or regulations issued by the Command Staff may face disciplinary action.

1.7 – Mutiny or Sedition
Members engaging in actions intended to usurp or undermine unit authority, or who create disturbances in concert with others, are guilty of mutiny and will be subject to dishonorable discharge from the unit.

1.8 – Espionage
Members who provide unit-specific information to unauthorized persons or units without Command Staff approval are guilty of espionage and will be dishonorably discharged.

1.9 – False Statements
Members found guilty of making false statements, including false claims of military service, false statements during investigations, or issuing false orders, will face disciplinary action by the Unit Command Staff.

1.10 – Riot or Breach of the Peace
Members engaging in conduct disruptive to the good order and discipline of the unit during public debates are guilty of breach of the peace and will be disciplined by the Unit Command Staff.

1.11 – Provoking Speeches or Gestures
Members who use speech or gestures intended to provoke others without contributing valid input or suggestions will face disciplinary action by the Unit Command Staff.

1.12 – Hacking or Manipulating
Members using hacking tools to alter the game experience, including spawning items or vehicles, will face immediate dishonorable discharge.

1.13 – General Article
Any actions or neglects detrimental to the good order and discipline of the unit, or conduct bringing discredit upon the unit, may result in immediate dishonorable discharge.

1.14 – Game Server Rules
Members violating game server rules at any time will be subject to formal disciplinary action, as determined by a Command Staff Investigation.

1.15 – Failure to Adapt
Members unable to conform to a Milsim environment, fail to pass training, or show no interest in teamwork, will be asked to discharge from the unit. Command Staff may file a dishonorable discharge at their discretion if no voluntary discharge is presented.

1.16 – Failure to Train
Members quitting during training or failing to attend two or more consecutive training sessions will face immediate dishonorable discharge.

1.17 – Obscene Media
Posting links, pictures, or videos from media sites, including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Imgur, and Instagram, is prohibited. This rule also applies to inappropriate content.

1.18 – Chat/Private Chat
Disrespectful communication via chat on Teamspeak, forums, servers, or any unit-related assets is prohibited and punishable by immediate dishonorable discharge.

1.19 – Poaching
Poaching members from any other clan’s Teamspeak or servers will result in immediate discharge from the unit.

1.20 – Desertion
Members who submit a Leave of Absence (LOA) or Extended Leave of Absence (ELOA) and fail to return as scheduled will be discharged for desertion. This differs from AWOL as the member had indicated a return date.

1.21 – Website Avatars/Display Pictures
Avatars/Display Pictures must be related to the unit, USMC, or personal images. All images must be respectful, professional, and in line with the unit’s standards.

2. Attendance and Participation

2.1 – Active Participation
Members are expected to actively participate in unit events while retaining the autonomy to engage with other groups.

2.2 – Notification of Absences
Members must notify unit leadership of anticipated absences at least 12 hours prior to an event’s start time whenever possible.

2.3 – Disciplinary Actions for Absence
Repeated absences without prior notice may result in disciplinary action, including potential removal from the unit.

3. Recruitment Standards

3.1 – Recruitment Process
All prospective members must undergo a comprehensive recruitment process, including an interview and a skills assessment.

3.2 – Adherence to Protocols
New recruits must demonstrate a basic understanding of and agree to adhere to unit protocols and operational procedures.

3.3 – Code of Conduct
Members must comply with the unit’s code of conduct and demonstrate a commitment to the unit’s values and objectives.

4. AWOL (Absent Without Leave) Protocol

4.1 – RSVP to Events
Members must RSVP to unit events within the timeframe specified by unit leadership.

4.2 – Initiation of AWOL Protocol
Failure to RSVP to an event will initiate the AWOL protocol starting from the event’s scheduled time.

4.3 – Contact Attempts
Unit leadership will attempt to contact the member to ascertain their status and reasons for not RSVPing.

4.4 – Disciplinary Actions for AWOL
If no contact is made within 48 hours of the event’s scheduled time, the member may face disciplinary action, including suspension or removal from the unit.

4.5 – Reorientation Process
Members who miss an event without RSVPing and fail to provide a valid explanation within 72 hours may be required to undergo a reorientation process.

4.6 – Repeat Offenses
Repeated failure to RSVP may result in permanent removal from the unit.

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Answer the question here. Make sure you answer all frequently asked questions to clear some common doubts. People love when they find a solution without having to wait for your reply. This also shows that you have enough knowledge that you can share and help them out.

Answer the question here. Make sure you answer all frequently asked questions to clear some common doubts. People love when they find a solution without having to wait for your reply. This also shows that you have enough knowledge that you can share and help them out.


Answer the question here. Make sure you answer all frequently asked questions to clear some common doubts. People love when they find a solution without having to wait for your reply. This also shows that you have enough knowledge that you can share and help them out.

Answer the question here. Make sure you answer all frequently asked questions to clear some common doubts. People love when they find a solution without having to wait for your reply. This also shows that you have enough knowledge that you can share and help them out.

Answer the question here. Make sure you answer all frequently asked questions to clear some common doubts. People love when they find a solution without having to wait for your reply. This also shows that you have enough knowledge that you can share and help them out.

Answer the question here. Make sure you answer all frequently asked questions to clear some common doubts. People love when they find a solution without having to wait for your reply. This also shows that you have enough knowledge that you can share and help them out.

Answer the question here. Make sure you answer all frequently asked questions to clear some common doubts. People love when they find a solution without having to wait for your reply. This also shows that you have enough knowledge that you can share and help them out.

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Child Custody, Adoption And Surrogacy

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Domestic Violence, Child Abduction

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Marriage, Civil Unions & Divorce

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Walter Myers

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